Topped with artichokes, ham, olives and mushrooms with a tomato pizza sauce, this is a pizza that’s almost uniquely Australian that we are VERY fond of! I just love this combination of toppings. Especially the artichokes!
Pizza Capricciosa
This is a pizza that Australians expect to see on every pizza menu, no matter how traditional Italian or how big-chain the pizzeria in question is. Ironically though, as soon as I wrote that sentence, I popped onto the Pizza Hut website only to find that gasp, shock, horror Capricciosa is not on offer on their menu.
Dominos Pizza, however, does have it. Phew. Order has been restored in the world! (Though it’s only a recent menu addition, I believe.)
- Mozzarella cheese – freshly shredded, for the best melt! Store bought pre-shredded is coated with anti-caking agents so it doesn’t melt as well. Also, most brands tend to shred the cheese thicker so it weighs down the pizza with too much cheese (there, I said it! Whoever thought there could be such a thing??
)Best pre-shredded – However, if you do want to use pre-shredded cheese for convenience (I get it), buy the type that is designed for pizza. It will have the word “pizza” on the cheese packet. The cheese strands will be grated a little more finely than typical packet cheese, and usually includes a mix of mozzarella with parmesan and/or cheddar for a flavour boost (which sort of makes up for not having the glorious smooth melt you get from freshly shredded mozzarella).
- Artichokes – From a jar rather than fresh or frozen plain artichokes, preferably marinated in oil which is the tastiest. Though, I happily use artichokes marinated in vinegar too (brine).